Hillary Clinton, like her husband, Bill are power hungry pathological liars and Machiavellian manipulators. They are ruthless, murderous sociopaths.
What follows is a long list of evidence which reveals how the powerful elite forces against freedom and liberty work to get us to embrace, even love our servitude to them.
Hill the Shill was fired from the Watergate investigative committee in the 1970’s for lying and ethics violations. She was recently quoted as saying, ” they should not to listen to anybody who says, ‘businesses create jobs.” Is she kidding?
Hill the Shill is once again pushing the New World Order Agenda. And why not, she and her husband have become multi-millionaires shilling for the elite as they profess to be helping to “shrink poverty” and grow the middle class. My ass. Americans have become poorer by design and they know it.
I know, Bill didn’t inhale, and he did not have sexual relations with that woman either.
Most people think that the biggest felony committed by Bill Clinton is that he swore falsely under oath in the Lewinsky affair. But this is peanuts compared to the real crimes, yet undetected by most of the American people.
In fact, the Clinton’s have an incredibly shady, Mafia-esque background engaging in racketeering, fraud, CIA drug smuggling, money laundering and murder, all while Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas.
As a student at Oxford, Clinton was groomed to help create the One World Government, and what would be required of him to serve the New World Order.
In an interview in 1994 Clinton said that he’d known about the “Shadow-government” already in his youth, and had been very enthusiastic to get an entrance into the “Inner Circle” and from there have the opportunity to participate in decisions regarding the future of the world.
He succeeded! The “President-maker” David Rockefeller “made” Clinton in the mid 80’s when Bill was governor of Arkansas to groom him for the presidency. The State of Arkansas, by the way, is a major seat for the elite Brotherhood of Death.
The southern branch of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is centered in Arkansas. It is where Albert Pike (33 degree Freemason) created the Ku Klux Klan.
With help of the Brotherhood, Bill Clinton worked himself rapidly up the ranks and became governor of Arkansas.
As a governor Bill Clinton committed many high crimes related to his Illuminati connection. He became the leader of a gigantic network of drug-smuggling, money laundering, murder and systematic corruption.
A good friend of Clinton from Arkansas, Larry Nichols, was interviewed in a film. Clinton thought that Nichols would keep his mouth shut, but he didn’t. He was hired by Clinton and had found out that Clinton’s firm, Arkansas Development Finance Authority laundered drug-money. $10 million dollars worth of cocaine a week was flying into Mena Airport in Arkansas. The money was laundered via ADFA to a bank in Florida, to a bank in Georgia, to Citicorp (Rockefeller) in New York, and from there it was transferred out of the country.
Clinton’s best friend, Dan Lasater, led the operations. Lasater and Bill Clinton’s brother, Roger Clinton, later spent time in jail due to drug related crimes.
The Chief of Police in Arkansas at that time, Doc Delaughter, said he had gathered information from many persons in Lasater’s surroundings, how he smuggled drugs and abused young girls sexually. During those investigations Doc was harassed by persons from his own police department, paid by Clinton.
Bill Clinton created new laws that helped “Tyson Foods” to be the biggest company in Arkansas. The owner, Don Tyson, received a loan from the Clinton-owned ADFA, but never had to pay back the loan. Delaughter had evidence enough against Tyson to start an investigation regarding illegal drug-trade. Nichols says in the film:
“The first loan ADFA approved was to “Park-O-Meter” . When I investigated the company, I found that the Directive Secretary and cashier was Webb Hubbell. Guess who wrote the law which made ADFA possible: Webb Hubbell.
Guess who drove the law proposition which looked into- and admitted (Park-O-Meter’s) request: The Rose Law Firm, owned by Hillary Clinton.
Who signed the admittance? Webb Hubbell and Hillary Clinton. Nichols stated that when journalists started investigating the loans to “Park-O-Meter”, they discovered that the company did not make parking meters, but removable airplane nose-cones, delivered to the air-field in Mena used to smuggle cocaine into the country.
Nichols further noted that Clinton was involved in the drug trade and the people he surrounded himself with followed him to the White House.
When Clinton became President he elected Webb Hubbell as the Minister of Justice. Hubbell had to go back to Arkansas, though, to plead guilty to having cheated customers of the Rose Law Firm of $500.000.
One of the largest CIA drug smuggling events in US history started in 1982 at Mena Airport by Barry Seal, a pilot for the Drug Enforcement Agency.
He had had problems with the authorities in Louisiana, so he moved his dirty business to Arkansas, where he could work undisturbed.
Seal later admitted in a police investigation that he used nose-cones in aircraft to smuggle drugs.
How about that?
Like the president before him, Skull and Bones Brotherhood of Death Freemason George H.W. Bush, Clinton (the vacuum, as his half brother Roger called him, referring to Bill’s cocaine use) increased DEA efforts in the bogus “war on drugs”.
When people started talking about Clinton’s drug connections they suddenly and mysteriously died.
CIA operative and drug smuggler Barry Seal was one of them, killed in February 1987.
By that time, several murders were committed in Arkansas. Two young boys, Kevin Ives and Don Henry were out walking the rails late one night near Mena Airport and got too close to the CIA sponsored drug smuggling operation.
Both boys were found dead on the tracks.
The examining doctor, Fahmy Malak was sent in by Clinton to cover up the crime scene, ruling the boys deaths an accident. Their parents smelled a cover up from the beginning. And of course, there was a cover up.
It was soon discovered that the boys had been stabbed and their heads were crushed.
Six other persons, who had talked to the police regarding the murder of the boys were also murdered by the Clinton goon squad.
Some of them had said to their families they had to leave town urgently, as they knew too much about the murders, but they were all tracked down and shot to death.
To expose Clinton for the coke snorting, deviant criminal that he is, has often proved deadly.
Jon Parnel Walker, one of the investigators in the Whitewater affair, “fell” from a balcony in Virginia.
C. Victor Raider II had an argument with Clinton. Raider and his son Montgomery died when their sport plane crashed.
Mr. Friday, member of Raider’s committee, and a known skilled pilot, died when his plane exploded.
John Wilson, politician in Washington, threatened to reveal Clinton’s dirty dealings was found hanged in 1993.
Kathy Furguson, Arkansas police and Clinton’s bodyguard admitted that Clinton was very promiscuous. Ferguson was found dead with a gun in her hand. Her husband Danny denied all sex-scandals related to Clinton and clammed up. As a result, he managed to save his own life.
Prosecutor Charles Black wanted more money from governor Clinton to be able to continue the investigations regarding drug smuggling on Mena Airport. He got no money, but Black’s mother was killed.
The director for Clinton’s Finance-campaign Committee, Ed Willke, was massacred in a hail of bullets.
Danny Cassolaro investigated Clinton’s involvement in stock frauds and was found dead in West Virginia.
A lawyer from Washington, Paul Wilcher, who had made an appointment with Casoloro’s former attorney, was also found dead in his apartment.
Luther Parks had gathered information regarding Clinton’s sex habits. Clinton owed him $81.000 for security during his election campaign. He threatened Clinton to go public if he didn’t get the money back. He was shot September 26th 1993. His son Gary said he had all the evidence at home and proof of Bill and Roger Clinton’s drug abuse. The information was stolen shortly thereafter.
Dentist Ronald Rogers was about to meet a journalist and give information regarding Clinton when his plane crashed in clear weather.
Vincent Foster was a good friend of Clinton since childhood. His “suicide” conveniently occurred during the Whitewater investigation.
The “suicide” was a textbook mob styled rub out. Foster still had the gun in his hand when found.
Like the implausible “suicide” of Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Gary Webb, who shot himself twice in the head, Foster was found with the gun used to blow his brains out in his right hand, but Vince Foster was left handed.
These little suppressed pieces of evidence reveal the dynamic and systematic power of the secret government to cover up the many dirty deeds of the Illuminati.
While Foster was “committing suicide”, employees at the Rose Law Firm were shredding documents. The insurmountable evidence proves yet another conspiracy suppressed by forces in the shadow government.
In fact, Bill Clinton himself wrote a law in Arkansas stating that autopsies are not necessary if the deceased through a court-order can be classified to have committed suicide.
Almost every death surrounding Bill Clinton has been classified as suicides. Not one iota of this factual, documented truth has ever led to an indictment against Clinton. Ironically, he was impeached for lying about having sex with Monica Lewinsky, but never faced justice for his many murderous acts.
Bill Clinton is a serial killer.
During the Whitewater investigations Patsy Thomason, Clinton’s companion, searched through Foster’s office the same night Foster died. It was justified under the means of “national security”, a familiar ploy used by presidents to cover up lies.
Patsy Thomasson is listed in police reports as having committed drug related crimes yet she was tasked by Clinton to halt drug testing of White House employees.
Arkansas lawyer, Gary Johnson, attempted to reveal the money laundering and corruption in Clinton’s business ADFA.
Johnson was a neighbor of Gennifer Flowers, one of Clinton’s many sex toys he denied having sexual relationships with.
Johnson positioned a camera outside his house, and caught Clinton on his way into Flower’s apartment using his own key. Gary Johnson had proof on video tape, proving the relationship, but the Clinton goon squad attacked and nearly beat him to death in his apartment and stole the videotape.
So why hasn’t Clinton ever been thoroughly investigated, indicted and sent to trial when so many people knew about the crimes?
Many people wonder how Bill Clinton could lead a whole state in the size of Arkansas with the ultimate power he expressed.
It’s not that hard when you are the love child of a Rockefeller and have spent your entire childhood being groomed and MK ULTRA programmed by the Arkansas elite. After 12 years in the Governor’s office Clinton was running the show, in charge of the Police, the laws, judges, lawyers and banks. It was a racket.
The Clinton Crime Family political racket continues to have a powerful engine that is fueled by the Illuminati.
When Clinton moved into the White House, he continued his racketeering operation.
After all, he is simply a puppet of the secret government.
Clinton was yet another member of the Brotherhood whose purpose is to make way for the New World Order and the new neo-fuedal totalitarian socialist state. This is a sworn oath, above all other oaths and allegiances.
The Presidents have all been carefully selected by the Illuminati.
The so called “free” elections are just a ruse, something for to keep people busy and to make them think there is a choice. As George Carlin wisely noted, “you have no choice. You have owners!”
As a matter of fact, no candidate will make it to Presidency if he hasn’t got the support from the Illuminati. Such candidates will be ridiculed, lied about or financially overthrown early on in their campaigns.
When Richard Nixon resigned in the 70’s the Brotherhood continued a vigorous infiltration of the U.S. government with the help of Henry Kissinger and Nelson Rockefeller.
After Nelson’s mysterious death while having sex with his mistress, David Rockefeller ascended to the throne.
Since at least 1974, and more likely since the assassination of JFK there hasn’t been any true democratic elections here in Amerika.
Back to Clinton. Hot Springs, Arkansas is a city that has 47 warm springs which has brought elite jet setters from around the world. The mafia made the city a hot bed of vice, gambling and prostitution.
In fact, in the 1920’s the town was so popular with organized crime, that the criminals considered the area to be “neutral ground” like they did Hollywood.
In the early 60’s Hot Springs had the largest illegal gambling operations in the entire USA. Clinton’s uncle Roy was a politician in Arkansas’s legislature connected to all the named mess. And Bill’s uncle Raymond Clinton, who had a Buick dealership, was tied to all this corruption.
Bill and his brother Roger’s cocaine habits are well known by people who were connected with them, but how many know about Bill’s and Hillary’s connection with the Illuminati? Not enough, I am sure, but now you know. And you better believe it.
Shillary Clinton is sometimes called the “dragon lady” behind her back, an apt analogy. The Illuminati have chose to make a real politician out of her, as inept and corrupt as she is. They like it that way, you see.
Shillary has been the dramatized “poor victim” for Bill’s sexual behaviors and got the American people’s sympathy and envy, as she appears to be a very strong and loyal woman.
In fact she is as much involved as her husband in all of these crimes. Hopefully exposing the truth about the Clinton Crime Family will prevent her from becoming president in 2016 and continuing fellow Marxist/ Illuminati Doctrine.
PROFESSOR OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, AND SECRETARY TO THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH [1798] which exposed the Bavarian Masonic Illuminati’s “great work” for world domination and a New World Order.
Bill Clinton is also closely associated with Charles “Chip” Whitmore, a known Satanist and mind control programmer.
Chip & Bill have met often on a weekly basis over the years. This continues, for instance when Bill was in England so was Whitmore, when Bill went to florida so did Chip.
Chip Whitmore also played drums with fellow mind-control programmer, Jerry Lee Lewis. Whitmore was also a close friend of Jack Ruby. All in the Family.
Speaking of family, Chip’s family’s Villa Mare in Little Rock, Arkansas is pictured in the opening shots of Designing Women.
Chip Whitmore has been in charge of assassinations in his area, and controls the local law enforcement in Arkansas.
Jack Stevens, said to be the largest investment banker in Little Rock, is CIA/part of the Network. He exchanged information with Chip via their mutual black cleaning lady.
Further, Whitmore & Stevens where involved in corruption extending into the Assembly of God and other churches.
Chip’s CIA handler was Dr. Paul Palmer. Over the years, Bill Clinton and Chip met on a weekly basis. Chip was also a drummer for Jerry Lee Lewis, who is also is also a Satanist and mind control programmer. Great balls of fire!
If all of this isn’t shocking and startling enough, Chip was also a friend and associate of Jack Ruby.
In Arkansas, Chip maintained control over local law enforcement and was in charge of CIA assassinations.
During this period in the early 1960’s was also the height of the CIA’s MK-ULTRA mind control program.
Clinton was recruited as a teenager and like Obama, was groomed by the Council on Foreign Relations to one day be President. Bill Clinton was also a CIA MK ULTRA mind control victim.
So was the Unibomber, Ted Kaczinski who volunteered for MK ULTRA in 1965 while attending Harvard. However, Ted’s programming was a bit different than Bill’s.
Below is are two videos of Bill Clinton under MK ULTRA mind control during the 1992 campaign trail.
Chuck Barris, the game show mogul who created the Gong Show in the 1970 was a CIA operative and assassin. Read his book:
I know for some, all of this might be a red pill to swallow, but the world is not as it seems.
This information has all been researched and sourced. It is all true and verifiable.
You must cast aside your preconceived belief systems and open your eyes and lift the veil of ignorance that cloaks your mind with disinformation to see the real world, not the world being promoted my the mass media and viewed on the Orwellian telescreen.
It is time to wake up to the truth. To fight the enemy, we must know the enemy. You must understand, this is how the New World Order rolls.
Clearly, as described here in detail, the Clinton Crime Family is protected by the secret government who created them and controls Our country from behind the scenes.
To further illustrate this fact, we must understand how much control these forces have, and how they use the mass media to manipulate and control us.
FOX NEWS, is a supposedly “fair and balanced” right wing network seeking truth. This is fantasy. Like MSNBC, CNN or any of the controlled mainstream media really tell the truth.
The media tells murky truth that suits the New World Order Agenda, They keep all of this true, verifiable information and cast it aside with their power.
The only way to fight them is through awareness to their manipulations, keeping the truth suppressed for political purposes and controlling the opposition (COINTELPRO) to the New World Order totalitarian socialist agenda. Are we living in NAZI Germany? Sure seems that way lately, doesn’t it?
Forget about CNN, and Reverand MSNBC for now and let’s stay on FOX NEWS.
As it appears, on the surface, FOX NEWS is fighting the good fight, giving “fair and balanced” reporting, defending the Constitution and the major issues important to those on the right. In many ways, the network does just that. But there are certain issues and agendas that FOX NEWS and all networks intentionally ignore to control public opinion.
An example of this would be Monsanto’s cancer causing bovine growth hormone approved by the Monsanto controlled FDA, where honest FOX NEWS reporters with true integrity exposed the fact that milk produced from cows given the Monsanto bovine hormone causes cancer. FOX NEWS not only squashed the story, but they fired the reporters for telling the truth.
Watch below:
Before coming onto the National political scene in 1992, Bill Clinton attended the 1991 Bilderberg Meeting. Back in the day, you may recall that Shillary Clinton was fined $250,000 for attending Bilderberg in violation of the United States Logan Act.
Then there is Whitewater and the murder of Shill’s former lover and Bill Clinton’s supposed best friend, Vince Foster in a staged “suicide”.
Many others have met similar fates. Clinton Crime Family Don Bill Clinton and the Shill have had no qualms about eliminating his enemies, or even his friends if necessary to cover up their many egregious crimes. They are protected by the forces that control Our government, our domestic and foreign policies through the Council on Foreign relations.
Since their days in Little Rock, Clinton spin doctors have painted Shillary as being the loyal, angry wife at all of slick Willie’s infamous infidelities. Clearly the Clintons had(have) an open marriage, or at least an understanding to support each other and stay with each other if not for love, for political purposes.
I would say history indicates that the Clinton’s marriage is one of political convenience. After all, the Clinton’s are both heavily addicted to power and the controlled mainstream media is 100% behind them, even FOX NEWS, who refuse to report on the Clinton Crime Family’s many egregious violations of law and the People’s trust, focusing on a narrow spectrum of Clinton “misdeeds” that maintains a far purer and wholesome image then they deserve, dismissing the fact that they are an evil, lecherous, criminal, power hungry couple owned by the Rockefeller interests.
Not surprisingly, Winthrop Rockefeller was also the governor of Arkansas. There is suppressed evidence that slick Willie Clinton himself is an illegitimate Rockefeller, which would of course explain volumes.
Did you know, that Shillary also fancied an MK-ULTRA sex slave named Cathy O’Brien while she was the First Lady of Arkansas?
O’Brien thought she would be servicing Bill the evening Hillary and Cathy had their tryst.
Knowing what a hound dog Bill Clinton is, cavorting with strippers and porn stars and the notorious Paula Jones, Jennifer Flowers Monica Lewinsky scandals and numerous affairs, you might think Clinton enjoyed participating in three way sex.
Perhaps, but not that night at the Arkansas governor’s mansion. No. That night Bill was entertained by some male companionship while the Shill bedded a reluctant Cathy O’Brien.
At that time, and the Reagan Administration were deep into CIA cocaine smuggling to help fund the Contras via CIA Agent Barry Seal through Mena Airport, when Clinton was Governor of Arkansas.
As governor, Clinton used his clout to protect his criminal enterprise and railroad his enemies with help from the State Police and the entire Arkansas judicial system.
The cocaine operation at Mena, Arkansas abruptly ended when two teenagers witnessed one of the many cocaine drops and were murdered. A grandiose government controlled cover-up ensued.
So let’s take a look at a few things. In Vietnam the CIA was trafficking heroin, as they did during the Iran/Contra scandal.
Are you so naive you believe the CIA no longer traffics in heroin after 10 years in Afghanistan?
Why is heroin demand so high here in the U.S today, Like it was during Vietnam? Like when the CIA started the crack cocaine epidemic in the 1980’s.
For more details on CIA drug smuggling and the Clinton Crime Family watch the following 2 documentaries:
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