By Howard Nema
As Tuesday’s mid term elections near I thought it necessary to drop some knowledge on you, since many Americans are clueless as to what is really going on:
U.S. elections are rigged, just like in banana republics. Do you really believe electronic voting machines are accurate, when they change votes from Republican to Democrat and/or Democrat to Republican?
The voting machine’s own designers admit they can be manipulated and “hacked”.
Are you so mind controlled you do not understand and recognize this obvious truth?
Well I was. Mind controlled that is.
After all, I was raised as one of the sheople, a liberal democrat due to my upbringing and public education. I knew nothing about socialism, or democracy, which is of course the exact same thing. I voted as my dad voted and certainly knew nothing about the New World Order.
My father was my advisor. He was a great man. Kind, intelligent– a truly good soul, just uninformed and deceived, as most Americans are.
While the democrats and republicans do fight for power every four years to see which puppet will be in next in charge, the globalist’s New World Order agenda always moves forward despite who wins. This essay will prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt. Please read on:
In 2008, I like many Americans got caught up in the OBAMAMANIA mass media mind control psyop and “voted for change”.
I bought the many lies, hook line and sinker, believing the slick Madison Avenue Hollywood shine of the Obama phenomenon and got caught up in the hype.
Yes. I voted for Obama, but only in 2008. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I’m no fool.
When I realized that Hope and Change became transformation, I knew something was terribly wrong. The endless lies and broken promises made me quickly realize that I, and millions of other Americans were bamboozled.
Amazingly, despite the many lies and deceptions, many still support Obama.
Not me. Almost immediately, I began my quest for truth. It wasn’t long before I realized I had not voted for Obama, but I had voted for the New World Order.
It didn’t take long for me to also realize that if I had voted for Mc Cain I would still be voting for the New World Order, since both parties are funded by the same banksters and their special interests.
This shook my belief system to the core. But truth is truth. Yes, I was perplexed, which led to six years of deep research and further study.
In a way, you could argue that Obama’s deception was my wake-up call. Obama’s deception wasn’t the catalyst of my awakening, that came in 2007 when I first watched Aaron Russo’s FREEDOM TO FASCISM, but it was the Big Event, Obama’s grand deception that began my quest to expose the many evils of the New World Order.
Remember how Obama railed on Wall Street? Well, he was created by Wall Street, as was the war monger military industrial complex minion John Mc Cain.
You see, this is how the New World Order rolls.
Both the Democrat and Republican parties as different as their ideologies are, are controlled and used as a screen where they appear to be against one another, but their actions ALWAYS serve their elite puppet masters.
I liken the battle between the political parties as a game of king of the hill, where the dems and reps scratch and claw to stay on top of the hill, but the hill is owned by the global elite.
As a result these Democrats and Republicans continuously profit and We the People suffer. History proves this. I mean didn’t Bill Clinton (who I voted for twice) make $10 million his first year after leaving office?
Doesn’t the shill, Hillary Clinton command $250,000 for speaking engagements to talk about income inequality, fairness and how businesses don’t create jobs?
This is how the New World Order rolls.
Let me further illustrate:
Each year, American tax payers and tax credit recipients spend about 7 billion hours preparing their Federal Income taxes, handing over more than $ 4 trillion dollars to federal, state and local governments, yet somehow America continually operates with rising deficits and unsustainable debt. Our national debt is approaching $18 trillion.
So where does the money go? Straight into the coffers of the elite forces controlling Our government, that’s where. Here’s the proof:
On average, working and retired Americans fork over nearly 30 percent of their earnings to pay income taxes. But that is only a fraction of what We really pay if you take the time to crunch the numbers.
It is an election year, so let’s do that:
Americans are constantly being fleeced by government taxes, licenses and regulatory fees. Most Americans passively accept this controlled paradigm as a way of life. These sheople simply call it the cost of living.
But most don’t realize what is actually being done to them is by design. In fact, once all of these figures are all factored in, a significant portion of the population pays more than half of what they earn to the government.
The truth is, the average American pays close to 70% of their income in taxes. Add to that, more than 1/3 of Americans, over 109,631,000, received welfare benefits as of the fourth quarter of 2012, according to data released by the Census Bureau.
93 million Americans who should be working are not. Even when using an over complicated Common Core math equation it is clear that this is an unsustainable model that continues to be sustained. This too is by design.
Many of these poor folks are often looked at as getting a free ride, but the fact is, Americans and illegal aliens are not helped by welfare, but rather are kept down by this system.
Unfortunately many have become conditioned, even comfortable living in poverty. After all, you get all this free stuff and you can even get a free cell phone, so what’s so bad?
What is bad, is that eventually, those who have good incomes are over taxed to pay for those on assistance.
The rich are already paying a huge percentage of their income in taxes to fund those less fortunate. The problem is, the rich are the ones creating jobs. But if you ask Hillary Clinton, she says “don’t believe it.” The government creates jobs. To some degree that is true, but where do they get the money from?
The middle class, that’s where. Despite the Robin Hood rhetoric of the taxing the rich to feed the poor, in truth the burden falls on the middle class.
Rising costs of State and Local governments force even more taxes for required social services like hospitals, police and fire departments.
The best cure for welfare and poverty is a good paying job. Let’s take a look at how miserably the social welfare system has helped to bankrupt America and shrink the middle class into poverty. After all, this has indeed occurred.
In 1965 when “The Great Society” social welfare programs were established by President Johnson only 10% of the population was in poverty, today more than 33% of the population is on some form of government assistance, not just the impoverished and guess what:
Poverty in America has come full circle. In 50 years, the poverty level is the same as it was in 1965. This is of course by design.
It is clear these people are willfully ignorant to the fact that after 50 years of the “Great Society”, Americans are just as poor as they were in 1965 and society as a whole has backslid both economically and spiritually.
During the Laisse Faire period prior to the Government Regulation revolution of the 1960’s and 1970’s where the EPA and other disguised collectivist actions were created to help “reduce pollution”, for example.
This was when the first fabricated fears of an ice age was concocted by the genocidal depopulation elitists at the Club Of Rome.
This agenda quickly morphed into global warming when global temperatures did not drop. And now, since global temperatures have not increases in 19 years, we have the “climate change” fraud to convince the sheople that the sky is falling.
It is notable that in post World War 2 America, the poverty rate was constantly declining every year, until in bottomed out in 1973 just below 8.8%.
Of course, since the creation of Johnson’s “Great Society” poverty has come full circle as mentioned and is still rising.
With trillions spent to “shrink poverty and grow the middle class”, as Bill Clinton noted, how can this be explained?
Well, one way to approach this is the following: What do you expect would happen if the government started to enact new major welfare programs that would affect families across the board?
In many states families earning $40,000 even $50,000 per year can qualify for government assistance which puts a huge intentional burden on the welfare system.
Now, add to that our open borders and 45 million illegal aliens sucking off the U.S. government tit and the looming Obamacare regulations that will kick in January 2015, businesses will be faced with reducing expenses by reducing hours and laying off workers to avoid huge penalities and/or to stay in business.
Many small businesses will not survive, reducing the competitive open “free” marketplace (that hasn’t existed for 50 years as well) and will be a boom for the Wal-Marts and other New World Order conglomerates of the world owned by the global elite.
This strategy was devised and implemented by Columbia University professors Coward-Piven
Of course: the programs would keep the recipients in poverty, rather than motivating them to lift themselves out, and, as a tendency, produce a lasting underclass of dependents.
Is there evidence that an unusually high number of such programs was introduced in the US shortly before 1973? I believe that there clearly is, the Great Society programs:
The centerpiece of the Great Society programs is the ongoing endless War on Poverty via the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, which created the Office of Economic Opportunity to oversee a variety of community-based antipoverty programs partnered with Planned Parenthood in poor ethnic communities to keep the black and other poor minority populations down. Incidentally, Planned Parenthood terminates 50% of all black pregnancies every year.
The Great Society Scam prescribed that the best way to deal with poverty was not only to raise the incomes of the poor, but to help them better themselves through education, job training, and community development. This is where affirmative action was born.
Central to its mission was the idea of “community action”, the participation of the poor in framing and administering the programs designed to help them.
Obama was one of these “community activists” in Chicago, where many blacks have finally began to realize they have been bamboozled not by the white man, but by a black man wearing white face make-up.
As with all things New World Order, the devil is in the details:
The most important educational component of the Great Society Scam was the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 signed into law on April 11, 1965, less than three months after it was introduced.
The Act provided federal aid to public education, initially allotting more than $1 billion to help schools purchase materials and start special education programs to schools with a high concentration of low-income children.
The Act established Head Start, another useless money pit, which had originally been started by the Office of Economic Opportunity as an eight-week summer program. Of course, it is now a permanent program which history has proven has failed and failed miserably.
The Higher Education Act of 1965 increased federal money given to universities, created scholarships and low-interest loans for students, and established a national Teacher Corps to provide teachers to poverty-stricken areas of the United States.
The Act also began a transition from federally funded institutional assistance to individual student aid. This propped up the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations socialist influence over educational policy via huge donations begining in 1934 to indoctinate the student bodies.
This is how the New World Order rolls.
The Social Security Act of 1965 authorized Medicare to provide federal funding for the medical costs of older Americans.
The legislation overcame bitter resistance and created socialized medicine making healthcare available to everyone over 65.
Ever since, the socialist/communist forces have worked for total government take over of healthcare, which became law under the Obama Regime.
Government healthcare is the #1 way to control a population, so says Stalin, Hitler, Mao and other totalitarians, The second way to transform a county is through ideological subversion, active measures and demoralization.
In 1984, Soviet defector and KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov, who specialized in the field of Marxist-Leninist propaganda and ideological subversion warned Americans about the silent war being waged against America as part of a long term plan to take over and destroy the American system and way of life. The plan is obviously working as Obama’s continuing “transformation” proves.
World communism has a soft touch these days.
It is called democracy.
In the following excerpt of an interview hosted by G. Edward Griffin in 1984 you will quickly realize Bezmenov is describing EXACTLY what has happened and is happening to America today.
Obama and his gang of Marxist usurpers who now have control of Our government are the culmination of a decades long plan coming into fruition.
Wake up! There is only one solution to America’s current woes, the restoration of Constitutional Republican government.
Please watch:
The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy composed by Columbia University social work professors in 1966.
The strategy, formulated in a May 1966 article in the liberal magazine The Nation entitled “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty” called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a national system of “a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty”.
The married couple stated that many Americans who were eligible for welfare were not receiving benefits, and that a welfare enrollment drive would strain local budgets, precipitating a crisis at the state and local levels that would be a wake-up call for the federal government, particularly the Democratic Party.
The ultimate objective of this strategy—to wipe out poverty by establishing a guaranteed annual income—will be questioned by some. Because the ideal of individual social and economic mobility has deep roots, even activists seem reluctant to call for national programs to eliminate poverty by redistribution of income.
Michael Reisch and Janice Andrews wrote that Cloward and Piven “proposed to create a crisis in the current welfare system – by exploiting the gap between welfare law and practice – that would ultimately bring about its collapse and replace it with a system of guaranteed annual income. They hoped to accomplish this end by informing the poor of their rights to welfare assistance.
Cloward and Piven’s article is focused on forcing the Democratic Party, which in 1966 controlled the presidency and both houses of the United States Congress, to take federal action to help the poor, stating that full enrollment of those eligible for welfare was the most important goal.
Obama has clearly embraced this strategy, of course without mentioning or crediting Cloward and Piven as he “transforms” America.
After all, now you can get a free cell phone. Welfare recipients are constantly informed of additional benefits they might be entitled to increasing the welfare rolls.
Education plays a key role in keeping Americans dumbed down while professing to be assisting the poor with equal access. Affirmative action and welfare spending have added many nails to the coffin of Americam prosperity.
Medicaid was created on July 30, 1965 under Title XIX of the Social Security Act. Each state administers its own program while the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) monitors the state-run programs and establishes requirements for service delivery, quality, funding, and eligibility standards.
History has indeed proven that government welfare programs are not introduced by elitist bureaucrats to end poverty, but rather to make certain it remains at a level that justifies the huge expensive existence of government programs.
History has also proven that 50 years of government funds used to end poverty has ended up in the hands of the bureaucrats themselves, not the poor.
The secret society elite’s goal is to de-industrialize America into a neo-fuedal totalitarian socialist state and thanks to Johnson’s “Great Society”, the plan is working.
To accomplish this goal required extreme government regulation and uber taxation of the American people.
What has ensued has brought America to financial ruin and complete social disorder. This is why we see a continuous militarization of local police. America is indeed slowly being transformed into a third world police state.
The more people ingore this ever rising reality as “conspiracy theory”, the sooner the full hammer of tyranny will bear down upon us all.
Our government was created to protect the rights and property of We the People, but this slow and steady decline into totalitarian socialism has “transformed” Our government to prey upon We the People. Once again, history proves this.
The American Revolution began over a 3% tax over tea and the British outlawing local currencies in the colonies in favor of the Rothschild’s British banking interests.
According to The Tax Foundation, the average American has to work until April 17th just to pay federal, state, and local taxes.
Back in 1900, “Tax Freedom Day” came on January 22nd.
The Federal Reserve and the I.R.S must be shut down, but despite the window dressed END THE FED movement and the debilitating effect these collectivist organizations have on the American people, neither republicans or democrats are willing to abolish the income tax and shut the IRS down, even FOX NEWS’ Mike Huckabee.
Why should they? Bureaucrats all benefit far too much from the Federal Reserve Crime Syndicate due to fat cat payoffs and nepotist special interests to END THE FED and actually help the American people. Politicians maintain the establishment, they DO NOT CHANGE IT.
The bureaucrats sole purpose is to slide America into the New World Order and they are paid very handsomely to do so. So why would they willingly kill the cash cow that has been so good to them for more than 100 years?
So this monstrous collectivist system will continue to get even bigger and even more complicated and costly to the American people until we are a Third World welfare state as predicted by the first Prime Minister of Israel, Ben Gurion in a Look Magazine interview in 1962:
Ben-gurion Foresees Gradual Democratization of the Soviet Union
NEW YORK (Jan. 3)
Gradual democratization of the Soviet Union and the abolition of wars by 1987 is predicted by Israel Premier David Ben-Gurion in a statement published in the current issue of Look magazine which carries a number of interviews on the world outlook 25 years from now. Mr. Ben-Gurion’s statement reads:
“The image of the world in 1987 as traced in my imagination: The Cold War will be a thing of the past. Internal pressure of the constantly growing intelligentsia in Russia for more freedom and the pressure of the masses for raising their living standards may lead to a gradual democratization of the Soviet Union. On the other hand, the increasing influence of the workers and farmers, and the rising political importance of men of science, may transform the United States into a welfare state with a planned economy.
“Western and Eastern Europe will become a federation of autonomous states having a Socialist and democratic regime. With the exception of the USSR as a federated Eurasian state, ail other continents will become united in a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international police force. All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars.
“In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah. Higher education will be the right of every person in the world. A pill to prevent pregnancy will slow down the explosive natural increase in China and India, And by 1987, the average life-span of man will reach 100 years.”
We are literally being taxed into oblivion to create a welfare state.
Incredibly, most Americans don’t even seem to care. They have been raised and indoctrinated over five generations to accept the heinous tyranny of the Federal Reserve Crime Syndicate and the I.R.S gestapo as a way of life that cannot be changed.
Any attempt to do so brings out the COINTELPRO wolves to crush any dissent.
Here is just a small, incomplete list of the taxes We Americans are forced to pay every year to support “social justice and equality”.
Below is an alphabetical list of some of the taxes soaking up to 70% of American’s income each and every year. Keep in mind, there are literally hundreds of more taxes and fees We Americans are forced to pay to the Elite:
#1 Air Transportation Taxes
#2 Biodiesel Fuel Taxes
#3 Building Permit Taxes
#4 Business Registration Fees
#5 Capital Gains Taxes
#6 Cigarette Taxes
#7 Court Fines (indirect taxes)
#8 Disposal Fees
#9 Dog License Taxes
#10 Drivers License Fees (another form of taxation)
#11 Employer Health Insurance Mandate Tax
#12 Employer Medicare Taxes
#13 Employer Social Security Taxes
#14 Environmental Fees
#15 Estate Taxes
#16 Excise Taxes On Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans
#17 Federal Corporate Taxes
#18 Federal Income Taxes
#19 Federal Unemployment Taxes
#20 Fishing License Taxes
#21 Flush Taxes (yes, this actually exists in some areas)
#22 Food And Beverage License Fees
#23 Franchise Business Taxes
#24 Garbage Taxes
#25 Gasoline Taxes
#26 Gift Taxes
#27 Gun Ownership Permits
#28 Hazardous Material Disposal Fees
#29 Highway Access Fees
#30 Hotel Taxes (these are becoming quite large in some areas)
#31 Hunting License Taxes
#32 Import Taxes
#33 Individual Health Insurance Mandate Taxes
#34 Inheritance Taxes
#35 Insect Control Hazardous Materials Licenses
#36 Inspection Fees
#37 Insurance Premium Taxes
#38 Interstate User Diesel Fuel Taxes
#39 Inventory Taxes
#40 IRA Early Withdrawal TAXES + PENALTIES
#41 IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
#42 IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
#43 Library Taxes
#44 License Plate Fees
#45 Liquor Taxes
#46 Local Corporate Taxes
#47 Local Income Taxes
#48 Local School Taxes
#49 Local Unemployment Taxes
#50 Luxury Taxes
#51 Marriage License Taxes
#52 Medicare Taxes
#53 Medicare Tax Surcharge On High Earning Americans Under Obamacare
#54 Obamacare Individual Mandate Excise Tax (if you don’t buy “qualifying” health insurance under Obamacare you will have to pay an additional tax)
#55 Obamacare Surtax On Investment Income (a new 3.8% surtax on investment income)
#56 Parking Meters
#57 Passport Fees
#58 Professional Licenses And Fees (another form of taxation)
#59 Property Taxes
#60 Real Estate Taxes
#61 Recreational Vehicle Taxes
#62 Registration Fees For New Businesses, licenses, and insurance requirements
#63 Toll Booth Taxes
#64 Sales Taxes
#65 Self-Employment Taxes
#66 Sewer & Water Taxes
#67 School Taxes
#68 Septic Permit Taxes
#69 Service Charge Taxes
#70 Social Security Taxes
#71 Special Assessments For Road Repairs Or Construction
#72 Sports Stadium Taxes
#73 State Corporate Taxes
#74 State Income Taxes
#75 State Park Entrance Fees
#76 State Unemployment Taxes (SUTA)
#77 Tanning Taxes (a new Obamacare tax on tanning services)
#78 Telephone 911 Service Taxes
#79 Telephone Federal Excise Taxes
#80 Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Taxes
#81 Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Taxes
#82 Telephone State And Local Taxes
#83 Telephone Universal Access Taxes
#84 The Alternative Minimum Tax
#85 Tire Recycling Fees
#86 Tire Taxes
#87 Tolls (another form of taxation)
#88 Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
#89 Use Taxes (Out of state purchases, etc.)
#90 Utility Taxes
#91 Vehicle Registration Taxes
#92 Waste Management Taxes
#93 Water Rights Fees
#94 Watercraft Registration & Licensing Fees
#95 Well Permit Fees
#96 Workers Compensation Taxes
#97 Zoning Permit Fees
The list goes on and on . . .
Yet despite all of this oppressive taxation, our local governments, our state governments and our federal government are all absolutely drowning in debt. How is that?
When the federal income tax was originally introduced a little more than 100 years ago, most Americans were taxed at a rate of only 1 percent. But the social controllers working to install the New World Order, one world government need much more as they are working to create a two class system.
This is why small businesses have more and more been replaced by mega-stores, why jobs have been outsourced overseas, why education has been dumbed down and why the socialized medicine via the Un-Affordable Care Act AKA Obamacare has now taken a firm hold on America.
Since 1913, tax rates have gone much higher and the tax code has exploded in size. Come January, 2015, business will be subject to even more job killing taxation.
The U.S. tax code is now 3.8 million words long. For further insight, William Shakespeare’s entire collection of works contains only 900,000 words.
According to the National Taxpayers Union, U.S. taxpayers spend more than 7.6 billion hours complying with federal tax requirements.
Imagine what prosperity America could reap if all that time was spent on more economically profitable activities.
75 years ago, the instructions for Form 1040 were two pages long. Today, they are 189 pages long.
There have been 4,428 changes to the tax code over the last decade. It is incredibly costly to change tax software, tax manuals and tax instruction booklets for all of those changes.
According to the National Taxpayers Union, the IRS currently has 1,999 different publications, forms, and instruction sheets that you can download from the IRS website.
Our tax system has become so complicated that it is almost impossible to file your taxes correctly. For example, back in 1998 Money Magazine had 46 different tax professionals complete a tax return for a hypothetical household. All 46 of them came up with a different result.
In 2009, PC World had five of the most popular tax preparation software websites prepare a tax return for a hypothetical household. All five of them came up with a different result.
The IRS spends $2.45 for every $100 that it collects in taxes. Not one dime of this money pays for essential services for the American People. Every nickel goes to pay interest on the National Debt.
When the U.S. government first implemented a personal income tax back in 1913, it was sold as a tax on the wealthy, who paid a rate of just 1 percent. The highest earners, of the Rockefeller and Carnegie class paid only 7 percent.
Of course, like current shills Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, the Rockefellers created a tax-exempt foundation to avoid taxation and fund education, medical schools in particular that prescribed to and promoted allopathic treatments, prescription drugs and surgery.
Coincidenally, Rockefeller owned the petro-chemical pharmaceutical industry. Medical schools that taught homeopathic remedies and holistic cures soon went bust without funding, or changed their curriculum to get Rockefeller mega bucks and survive.
Prior to 1913, the year the Rockefeller co-owned Federal Reserve Crime syndicate and the I.R.S. were “passed into Law” after being “created” by the international banksters at Jekyll Island, South Carolina, there were two types of accepted medicine, natural and allopathic.
Since old J.D. believed competition to be a sin, he quickly took action to control medical science by funding the allopathic medical schools and creating a PR campaign against “quacks” practicing alternative homeopathic and holistic medicine.
To emphasize this continuous PR propaganda campaign, the American Medical Association called chiropractic an “unscientific cult” in 1966.
Kenny Ausubel author of When Healing Becomes a Crime, writes:
“For over 12 years and with the full knowledge and support of their executive officers, the AMA paid the salaries and expenses for a team of more than a dozen medical doctors, lawyers and support staff for the expressed purpose of conspiring (overtly and covertly) with others in medicine to first contain, and eventually, destroy the profession of chiropractic in the United States and elsewhere.”
In 1990, chiropractic doctors Chester A. Wilk, James W. Bryden, Patricia B. Arthur and Michael D. Pedigo won a landmark antitrust lawsuit against the AMA. The court ruled that the AMA had violated the Sherman Act by “conducting an illegal boycott in restraint of the trade directed at chiropractors generally, and at the four plaintiffs in particular.”
The 1990 verdict against the AMA followed three other antitrust cases against the association in 1978, 1980 and 1986, all of which were quietly settled with absolutely no media attention or fanfare.
The fact that the AMA tried to eliminate the profession of chiropractic is well known in the medical community. But there are manny other skeletons in the AMA’s closet not as well know.
Racketter Morris Fishbein was editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) from 1924-1949. The University of Chicago’s Center for History of Science and Medicine is named after him.
Fishbein operated the AMA for the sole purpose of monopolizing medicine and discrediting anything he could not control. He also determined what products were fit to carry the AMA’s seal of approval and then accepted money from the manufacturers of those products in exchange for permission to use the AMA seal.
However, the criminal AMA did not conduct tests of foods or drugs to evaluate their so-called “fitness.” Gaining the seal was merely a matter of paying off Fishbein to feature the products in AMA publications. This is nothing less than a mafia like protection racket to maintain AMA membership.
As editor of JAMA, Fishbein had full control over what information reached the public and what did not. This control mechanism continues to this day.
Richard Gerber, who wrote, Vibrational Medicine notes that thanks to Fishbein, the effective Rife Beam Ray is virtually unheard of. A holistic treatment for cancer and infectious diseases, Medical Mafia henchman Fishbein single-handedly crushed the technology and the research was suppressed by the AMA who sought to buy and control the use of the Rife Beam Ray. Gerber also noted:
“Fishbein (who was later convicted of racketeering charges) was spurned by Rife [creator of Beam Ray treatment] when he attempted to buy into his company. In response, Fishbein decided that if he could not control the therapy, he would suppress it.”
The recent arrest of Dr. Antonella Carpenter owner of Lasemed Inc. for successfully curing cancer patients with a similar safe and effective laser treatment to kill cancerous tumors is a quintessential example of the Medical Mafia’s grip on the $170 billion dollar cancer industry. After all, cures kill profits and competition is a sin.
The FDA Gestapo raided Dr. Carpenter’s office and confiscated her lasers, $10,000 in cash and quieted the over 30 cured cancer patients of Dr. Carpenter with threats and intimidation.
In a civil kangaroo court decision, Dr. Carpenter was found liable for the death of a patient she treated BEFORE the patient received chemo and radiation and was fined $2.5 million.
The medical mafia doesn’t fool around. As mentioned, cures kill profits.
Although Fishbein’s legacy is tainted with corruption he is touted as the AMA’s spokesman for medical doctrine, which advocates sticking to what is commonly accepted, customary or traditional.
For more than 70 years, the cancer industry practices the Un-Holy trinity of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. All else is considered quakery, even if it cures.
Remember, cures kill profits.
Take the case of Hoxsey Cancer Clinic in Dallas, which was the world’s largest private cancer center in the 1950s. Harry Hoxsey, the clinic’s founder, a self-taught healer treated cancer patients with herbal folk remedies that proved amazingly effective.
A Dallas judge ruled in federal court that Hoxsey’s therapy was ‘comparable to surgery, radium and x-ray in its effectiveness, without the destructive side effects of those treatments.
Even Hoxley’s archenemies, the American Medical Association and the Food and Drug Administration admitted that his treatment could cure some forms of cancer.
Despite the courts’ approval of Hoxsey’s treatment, the Dallas clinic was shut down in the 1950s at the end of the McCarthy Era. “The AMA, NCI (National Cancer Institute), and FDA organized a ‘conspiracy’ to ‘suppress’ a fair, unbiased assessment of Hoxsey’s methods, according to a 1953 report to Congress,” writes Heinerman.
According to a 1998 article in The New York Times, the AMA paid Sunbeam Corp. $9.9 million to avoid a breach-of-contract trial with the company after pulling out of a five-year, multi-million-dollar endorsement deal.
The AMA would have made millions of dollars in royalties by endorsing Sunbeam’s blood pressure monitors, humidifiers and other products, but the association backed out of the deal after being criticized because it had no plans to test the products.
The AMA had basically made a profit-making deal to endorse products they had no plans of testing beforehand. The AMA only pulled out once the public learned the truth.
Does this situation sound familiar? Although Fishbein’s “seal of acceptance” program was abandoned in 1955 after a lawsuit was brought against the AMA. It was quietly settled out of court – much like the Sunbeam suit.
Despite the fact that the AMA is stated to be a nonprofit association, it has a history of focusing on money and control. Even its longtime campaign against chiropractic medicine appears grounded in money-making motives, since the association was attempting to eliminate orthodox medicine’s “competition.”
Today, the AMA boasts that its core purpose is “to promote the science and art of medicine and the betterment of public health.” The AMA further claims “only the AMA has the national voice, the reputation and the stature to be a strong advocate for physicians and their patients.”
For those who still place trust in the “reputation” and “stature” of the AMA, just take a look at the association’s history of questionable ethics, fraud, manipulation, monopoly and racketeering. So the moniker, Medical Mafia really does suit the AMA.
Today, the AMA continues making decisions designed to protect organized medicine and not patients. Here are but a few more examples of this: Refusing to support the ban of direct-to-consumer drug advertising, a dangerous phenomenon that is directly responsible for the vast over-prescribing of prescription drugs that now kill over 240,000 Americans each and every year.
The AMA medical mafia continues to support the prescribing of antidepressant drugs to children even though psychotropic drugs are clearly linked to violent thoughts and suicidal behavior and have been banned from use in children in the U.K.
What about all the cancer, diabetes, heart failure and other deadly side effects of drugs the FDA deems safe and effective?
Continuing to accept millions of dollars in drug company advertising, whose products occupy almost every page of the Journal of the American Medical Association are the very same drugs that kill hundreds of thousands of Americans each year, according to researchers at the FDA.
This massive funding of the AMA by drug companies creates a clear conflict of interest. But this is how the New World Order rolls. There is a global depopulation agenda and Big Pharma is a big part of it.
Before the Rockefeller Medical Mafia took control of the AMA and FDA in the early 1900’s, to become a country doctor required only a few years of training and education.
The Medical Mafia Monopoly and the PR campaign created by J.D. Rockefeller ended all of that, “transforming” medicine into a small elite group of allopaths who needed the means to afford 12 years of schooling to become certified by the AMA.
No alternative, homeopathic or holistic doctors can be members of the American Medial Association. Natural cures or alternative cancer treatments are deemed “quakery” by the real “quacks” practicing alchemy and murder by injections.
The vaccine industry causes far more disease, paralysis and deaths then preventing illnesses and disease, especially flu shots.
This too is by design as part of the global elite depopulation agenda. Remember this when an “Ebola vaccine” comes to market in the future.
As a result of the AMA, FDA, CDC Medical Mafia, America in 2014 is sicker, poorer and more taxed than at any time in Our history.
Propaganda continues with the Ebola psyop that we should bring Africans Ebola patients to American for treatment because U.S. healthcare is the best in the world.
Well, if they said it on TV it must be true, right?
America has the most expensive, not the best healthcare system in the world. In fact, far from it. In June, 2014 the Common Wealth Fund publication ranked overall quality of U.S. healthcare at #11, Canada was right ahead with their socialist healthcare at #10. France at #9. Switzerland #2 and England #1.
With America joining the “socialist medicine” ranks via the Un-Affordable Care Act and the full weight on businesses kicking in January, 2015 we can expects costs to rise even further and quality to plummet.
So what has happened to “Our Great Society”? What lessons have we learned? Haven’t we learned that America’s prosperity is dependent on limitless independence and freedom not dependence and regulation?
Clearly, we have. We can thank our two faced, forked tongue politicians, all of who enrich themselves and further the one world totalitarian socialist agenda be they republican or democrat.
Once we understand this false paradigm, it is easy to see the direction America is heading never changes, only the propaganda and the faces pitching the lies.
This is the New World Order. There are traitors among us. Those at the Council on Foreign Relations, the United Nations, and the Trilateral Commission. They are negotiating trade deals to the detriment of the American economy while professing to be helping. NAFTA and GATT are great examples of this. And now we have the looming Trans-Pacific Partnership to further deindustrialize Our nation into neo-fuedal serfdom.
Obamacare is costing us a great deal. It was also sold by a lie. When you are transforming America into a one world totalitarian socialist government there must be many lies. And you and I have heard them all. Do you accept them?
Do you accept lies because you fancy the party, or the candidate or the icon?
For you republican lovers: “Read my lips” George HW Bush, the Skull and Bones CIA drug smuggling murderous republican said the same lies. He even announced, “the New World Order”.
And for you democrat lovers: Bush’s secret society brother who smuggled Iran/Contra drug money through Mena, Arkansas when governor, Bill Clinton also said same lies. And many others. GW lied and so did Obama. Many, many times. And more to come.
Funny how the democoms lambasted Bush so much for his lies, but ignore their idol Obama’s lies, or somehow justify them in their own minds. Same goes for the republiscum.
A lie is a lie despite political party affiliation or ideology. This protection of the liars due to party affiliation is indeed truly wicked and is one of the greatest threats to Our liberty.
If your political ideology trumps honesty, integrity and morality what does that say about you?
This Machiavellian deception also keeps us as people divided. Freedom and individual liberty is America’s only hope.
Nixon, Ford, Carter, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama have all taken an oath to the Order.
It is an oath that supercedes all other oaths, even their marriage oaths– and of course the oath to preserve, protect and defend the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic.
Obama and the other traitors actions prove their allegiance is elsewhere, doesn’t it?
These men are all traitors who have sworn an Oath and allegiance to the Masonic Secret Societies above all else. These Lodges are located around the world in many countries. They are all separate, but equal and are working in concert to bring about the New World Order.
If you do not believe of understand, you must realize that this organization exists despite your disbelief or ignorance and there is much evidence if you take the initiate to investigate.
Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon and Johnson have moved the New World Order agenda along.
The current ever growing bureaucracy began under Freemason LBJ’s “Great Society”. Organized Religion can thank then Senator Lyndon B. Johnson for championing Tax Exempt Status. We can also thank the Rockefeller controlled “Council of Churches” as well.
Johnson, as part of the New World Order political agenda pulled the strings to silence organized religion in America and eliminate religious influence in “public policy.” Seems to be working, wouldn’t you say?
If you are a Muslim, or an atheist, don’t worry, you’re ok. Same if you’re a Satanist.
Although Johnson publicly sold tax exempt status as a favor to religious organizations, the favor came with strings attached that have become political shackles. Shackles raging democrats are using in this 2014 election cycle, demanding copies of pastor’s sermons with threats of revoking church’s tax exempt status.
Today, the effects of 501 C3 tax exemptions in America has silenced political religious opposition. All religions in America are 501 C3 tax-exempt and these organizations are prohibited from addressing any vital issues as they are government controlled and regulated organizations under the mighty iron claw of the Illuminati Revenue Service (IRS).
LBJ, a shrewd and cunning politician along with his backers well appreciated how easily modern religion would sell out to the government in order to be tax free. Franklin Delano Roosevelt said it best, “in politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.
Johnson, like all who have excelled through the political ranks to the presidency was chosen and just doing what they were told. The New World Order agendas are set in place decades, even generations before their public enactment.
Today, for a 501 C3 church to openly speak out or organize in opposition to anything that the government declares legal, even if its immoral like abortion or gay marriage that organization will be powered down by its tax exempt status, as is being threatened right now.
By design, 501C3 has limited the free speech rights of all organized religions. Also, not taught in the Rockefeller funded history textbooks or controlled mass media of today, was that in the 1920’s the Republicans proposed anti-lynching legislation opposed by then Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D) Texas. Looks like LBJ did a 180 with his “Great Society”. Bullshit. The man lived and died a racist. WAKE UP!
As president, Lyndon B. Johnson also let in plenty of secret society insiders to do the New World Order’s bidding. Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey was also confirmed Mason, so was McGeorge Bundy from MJ-12, Skull & Bones, C.F.R. member, President of the Ford Foundation and the Bilderberg Group.
The political winds again began to shift leftward by the 1960s as the pressure of the rising Civil Rights movement expanded and Johnson focused on the Economic Opportunity Act that established the Office of Economic Opportunity which coordinated “family planning” and community health centers.
Johnson also created the ‘unified budget’ toward the end of his term to disguise the real cost of the Vietnam War. The Vietnam quagmire was why LBJ didn’t seek a second term.
Johnson didn’t want to ask for income tax increases to pay for ambitious government programs so he placed Social Security over-withholding “on budget” and added them to the general operating budget of the United States Government so the over-withholding could be used to pay for other government programs including black-ops and would make the federal budget appear balanced.
The resulting debt to Trust Funds would be presented “off budget.”
Concerning Executive Order 11110 that was signed by John F Kennedy with the authority to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. Kennedy put $32 billion of silver backed certificates into circulation. Johnson, Nixon, Ford and Carter never once took advantage of Executive Order 11110 even during the economic malaise of the 1970’s and the designed “energy crisis”. After all, they swore an oath to their owners at the CFR and Trilateral Commission, not We the People. It can be argued that by usurping the Federal Reserve Crime Syndicate and printing more silver certificates, America may not have had an economic slowdown, or an energy crisis.
What is better for the American People? Silver backed sound money with ZERO DEBT AND NO INTEREST, or money created out of thin air that CREATES DEBT WITH INTEREST? You tell me?
Kennedy’s Executive Order was reversed by President Ronald Reagan who issued Executive Order 12608 on September 9, 1987 revoking Executive Order 11110. So much for helping the American People, eh Gipp?
So thanks to the Gipper, the Federal Reserve Crime Syndicate was now again free to rape and pillage the wealth of America without restrain just as it has done. Way to go! Have a jellybean, sheople!
Richard Nixon also did much to advance the New World Order.
Tricky Dick was a member of the Bohemian Club as well as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. His Secretary of State was Henry Kissinger, a long time member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bohemian Grove.
Nixon and Kissinger opened the doors to China at the expense of tens of millions of manufacturing jobs in the U.S. while David Rockefeller’s Chase brokered central banking deals with Chairman Mao, calling the man who slaughtered 60 million of his own people, “one of the greatest leaders in history”.
Rockefeller and Kissinger also brokered a deal that kept domestic oil prices higher, while keeping export oil prices lower fueling the designed energy crisis in exchange for OPEC investing in American real estate and corporations.
While in China in 1973, Nixon too called for a New World Order. His cabinet was full of men with the New World Order in their futures in a the upper echelons of government and finance.
Forwarding the agenda of “New Federalism” from the mid Sixties to empowerment, Richard Nixon enacted Presidential Order 11647 on February 14, 1972 in effect creating a new country out of the United States, reorganizing America into 10 super regions as administrative units of the United Nations. We now know these units as FEMA REGIONS.
All the people of the United States, including Alaska and were placed under the control of these same 10 Regions and 10 governors.
Are you waking up yet?
Obviously Nixon’s administration was filled with underhanded, criminal and traitorous secretive agendas from Watergate to the globalists 10 Regional Governors.
You see, Barack Obama isn’t the only puppet who transformed Our nation, by power of the executive branch, is he?
Richard Nixon instituted the most sweeping and massive reorganization of the Executive Branch in history, rolling out a super Cabinet and a super-super Cabinet with a total of eight trusted aides and official Cabinet members superimposed on the existing government including a Department of Human Resources.
How about that? A secret government superimposed over a shadow government eclipsing the “real” government.
Of course, Tricky Dick’s Watergate scandal consumed his second term, involving some recently familiar things like illegal wiretapping, break in’s, money laundering through the Federal Reserve system, using the I.R.S. to target political enemies and much more blatant corruption.
Unfortunately, many of these measures are still being implemented. Unconstitutional NSA spying on the American people is now sadly common place.
Welcome to the New World Order.
After Nixon resigned in disgrace his successor, Gerald Ford took office and quickly issued a full pardon to President Nixon. How nice.
No wonder Betty took to the drink.
Gerald Rudolph “Jerry” Ford, Jr. is the only president with a known alias. He was born Leslie Lynch King, Jr. and succedded Spiro Agnew as Vice President when Agnew and Nixon both resigned amidst the Watergate scandal.
Therefore, Ford was the only president to attain the Vice Presidency without a vote. Ford was on the elitist membership role of the Bilderberg group as well as also being a member of the Bohemian Club. He was also an honorary Mason of the DeMolay-Legion of Honor and of course, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Ford was also a member of the Warren Commission investigating the JFK assassination.
Like Eisenhower, who went against the secretive grain and warned the American People of the threat of the Military Industrial complex, so did Gerald Ford.
In his final public words shortly before his death, Ford said the CIA destroyed or kept from investigators critical secrets connected to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
The stunning admission by Ford is contained in the foreword to a new edition of the commission’s report.
In the new report Ford said the commission’s probe put “certain classified and potentially damaging operations in danger of being exposed.
The CIA’s reaction, he added, “was to hide or destroy some information, which can easily be misinterpreted as collusion in JFK’s assassination.”
Really? Misinterpreted? Right on Jerry! You gave us a BIG CLUE!
Of course, nothing happened as a result of these revelations. CASE CLOSED.
Jimmy Carter is next. Carter created two new cabinet-level departments: the collectivist Department of Energy and the disgraceful Department of Dumbing Down. The Department of Education .
In the Department of Education we can see roots of the tree bearing the evil fruits of COMMON CORE INDOCTRINATION.
Carter also established a national energy policy that included conservation and price controls. Carter also returned the Panama Canal Zone to Panama, further reducing future U.S. revenue.
America is slowly, incrementally being slaughtered by death from a thousand cuts.
President Carter’s social Gospel was nothing more than socialism masquerading Carter as a good “Christian”. Habitat for Humanity does give him some good PR and his outspoken criticism of presidents seems to set him in a more favorable public light. But don’t forget, Carter called America’s future, “the New Social Order.” And we are seeing this New Order rapidly unfolding in Amerika today.
Carter and Obama share much in common. Both were backed by the CFR, the Trilateralists and the Bilderbergers.
Like Clinton, all came from obscurity and were placed on a pedestal by the mainstream spin machine.
Carter is also a founding member of the Trilateral Commission and of course is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
After he was elected, Carter appointed more than 70 men from the CFR and over 20 members of the Trilateral Commission to the highest unelected offices of government.
Carter is a globalist who finds common ground with most of the high ranking socialist politicians of today.
Jimmy Carter carried out the CFR/Trilateral agenda well and continues to be a political influence today.His credit to the advancement of this cause is undeniably clear as the World Government advancing policies today. He gets good press, even after trouncing Our economy as president, Carter is now publicly beloved.
How fast we all forget. And how little did we know.=
Ronald Reagan was a member of the Bohemian Club and was a Freemason. He implemented “Reaganomics “. His administration was marred by the Iran-Contra scandal involving drug smuggling through Mena, Arkansas while Bill Clinton was governor.
Reagan was a United Nations globalist. On March 17, 1980 during the campaign Ronald Reagan was asked if he would allow Trilateral Commission members to serve in his cabinet, and he responded by saying:
“I don’t believe that the Trilateral Commission is a conspiratorial group, but I do think its interests are devoted to international banking, multinational corporations, and so forth. I don’t think that any Administration of the U.S. Government should have the top nineteen positions filled by people from any one group or organization representing one viewpoint.”
Really, Gipper? What changed your mind?
Not unpredictably, Reagan chose Freemason and Skull and Boner George H. W. Bush to be his running mate and in try lying form, filled his cabinet with 10 Trilateralists, 28 CFR members and 10 Bilderbergers.
Reagan and David Rockefeller were very close. They must’ve had a few words at the Club. The Bohemian Club. Both were members, you see. In the end Reagan took the bait and became another Trilateralist President, fulfilling the New World Order agenda. How cozy.
But after the political assassination of John Lennon by MK ULTRA assassin Mark David Chapman in 1980, and the attempted assassinations of Pope Paul II and himself in 1981 by MK ULTRA assassin John Hinkley, Reagan must’ve realized he was an Illuminati target and sought a bit of revenge.
Soon after the assassination attempt, Reagan commissioned the Grace Report to investigate where all the money collected by the Illuminati Revenue Service (IRS) went.
The results, published in 1984 were quite illuminating.
Not a penny collected by the I.R.S goes to pay for any government services whatsoever. Nope. Not a one.
All money collected goes to pay interest on the National Debt, which in 1980 was only a paltry $900 billion. So tell me again how we got to $17.6 trillion as of August, 2014?
William Jefferson Clinton took office and immediately began selling America down the river. Some of his policies, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), welfare reform, have led to the conditon in America today.
Clinton, when he was campaigning against George Herbert Walker Bush, claimed his prize with one simple phrase from James Carville: ‘It’s the Economy Stupid ‘. I remember his supporters at the time saying: ‘I don’t care about abortion what I care about is what he’s going to put back in my pocket’. It has only gotten worse since the Clinton days, here’s another unforgettable Bill Clinton quote:
“The road to tyranny, we must never forget, begins with the destruction of the truth.”
Bill Clinton’s lies are only rivaled by Barrack Hussein Obama. Despite being impeached over lying about the Monica Lewinsky scandal, he was acquitted by the U.S. Senate and left office if you can believe it, with the highest end of office approval rating of any U.S. president since World War II. He is in fact still a Democrat Rock Star. Fitting, since his behavior rivals even the most decadent and depraved rock star.
Are the sheople really that dumb?
No. They are simply uninformed, as I was at one time.
Then there was China Gate. Bill Clinton is a globalist, after all his foundation is called, the CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE. He promotes “multi-polarity”, the doctrine that no country should be allowed to gain a decisive advantage over others. As a result and going in line with the Trilateralist’s goal of building up China, defense contractors eagerly dumped millions into Clinton’s campaign.
Indeed, Chinese intelligence organized a massive covert operation aimed at tilting the 1996 election Clinton’s way. Clinton’s top campaign contributors for 1992 were Chinese agents and U.S. defense contractors selling missile technology to China. Clinton received funding directly from known or suspected Chinese intelligence agents.
Commerce Secretary Ron Brown served as Clinton’s front man in many China Gate deals. When investigators began probing Brown’s Lippo Group and China Gate connections, Brown died suddenly in a suspicious April 1996 plane crash. Sound familiar?
Then of course there was White Water, the Rose Law Firm and the murder of Vince Foster which of course was ruled a suicide.
Needless to say, China does not share Clinton’s GLOBAL INITIATIVE. In 2000, China Defense Minister Gen. Chi Haotian stated:
“War with the United States is inevitable; we cannot avoid it. The issue is that the Chinese armed forces must control the initiative in this war.”
America has been under economic warfare ever since. Our trade deficit with China this year will be well over 300 billion dollars which is the largest trade deficit any one country has had with another country in the history of the world. Look it up. It’s true. Bet you didn’t know that, did you?
Overall, the U.S. has run a trade deficit with China over the past decades that comes to more than 2.3 trillion dollars. That 2.3 trillion dollars could have gone to U.S. businesses and U.S. workers, but instead, all of that money went to China.
Rather than just sitting on all of that money, China has been lending much of it back to us – at interest. We now owe China more than a trillion dollars, and our politicians are constantly pleading with China to lend more money to us so that we can finance our exploding debt.
Today, the U.S. government pays China approximately 100 million dollars a day in interest on the debt that we owe them.
Those that say that the U.S. debt does not matter are clearly uninformed, mind controlled or in complete denial.
Thanks to our massive trade deficit and our exploding national debt, China is systematically getting wealthier and the United States is systematically getting poorer.
We can all thank Nixon and Slick Willie and their puppet masters at the CFR and Trilateral Commission for China’s massive growth and America’s continuing de-industrialization.
Now China is starting to use that wealth to aggressively expand their power and influence around the globe.
Due to fiscal woes plaguing many American cities and states, U.S. legislators have been actively seeking out Chinese investors.
In Baton Rouge, La., Mayor Kip Holden offered the Chinese government ownership and operating rights to a new toll way system if the Chinese would provide the funding to build it.
Does it make sense for the Chinese to own some of our most important ports? Isn’t there a national security risk in allowing this?
The Chinese have also been busy buying up expensive real estate on the east and west coasts of the United States.
According to the New York Times, investors from China are buying luxury apartments and planning to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on commercial and residential projects like Atlantic Yards in Brooklyn.
Chinese companies also have signed major leases at the Empire State Building and at 1 World Trade Center, the report said. China has also been purchasing rights to vital oil and natural gas deposits all over the United States.
China owns the AMC movie theater chain and Virginia bases Smithfield Ham.
The Federal Reserve Crime Syndicate will now allow Chinese banks to buy up American banks as well. How nice.
A $190 million bridge project up in Alaska was awarded to a Chinese firm.
A $400 million contract to renovate the Alexander Hamilton bridge in New York was awarded to a Chinese firm.
A $7.2 billion contract to construct a new bridge between San Francisco and Oakland was awarded to a Chinese firm.
In 2001, American consumers spent 102 billion dollars on products made in China.
In 2011, American consumers spent 399 billion dollarson products made in China. The U.S. spends about 4 dollars on goods and services from China for every one dollar that China spends on goods and services from the United States.
According to the New York Times, a Jeep Grand Cherokee that costs $27,490 in the United States costs about $85,000 in China thanks to all the tariffs. After all, there is a domestic plot to kill American business.
The Chinese economy has grown 7 times faster than the U.S. economy has over the past decade.
The United States has lost a staggering 32 percent of its manufacturing jobs since the year 2000.
The United States has lost an average of 50,000 manufacturing jobs per month since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001.
According to the Economic Policy Institute, America is losing half a million jobs to China every single year.
In 2010, China produced more than twice as many automobiles as the United States did. Since the auto industry bailout, approximately 70 percent of all GM vehicles have been built outside the United States.
General Motors is currently involved in 11 joint ventures with companies owned by the Chinese government. The price for entering into many of these “joint ventures” was a transfer of “state of the art technology” from General Motors to the communist Chinese. How nice, right?
Without the globalization of the world economy, none of this would have ever happened. Incredibly, our politicians continue to press for even more “free trade” and even more integration with communist nations such as China.
Now back to Slick Willie. William Jefferson Clinton is a member of the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission and was a failed Rhodes Scholars. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
As a youth, Clinton was also a member of the De Molay Freemason society. This is most likely where he was recruited/abducted into the MK ULTRA mind control program in the early 1960’s as an illegitimate great grandson of the criminal patriarch of the Rockefeller fortune.
As a result, Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary are deep, deep into the New World Order.
Lets not forget Clinton’s Vice President Al Gore’s mission to promote Rothschild’s Global Warming fraud.
George Bush’s “New Order for the Ages” is the same old New World Order. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig. All of these presidents and Obama have called for the New World Order. It is an obvious, irrefutable fact.
The goal of all of the traitors is to destroy the sovereignty of the United States and “comfortably” merge America into the New World Order totalitarian socialist government. This you must understand.
The adepts of these secret societies: the Order of the Quest, the Ordo Templi Orentis, Skull and Bones and many others are all working for the same goal. To achieve this grand deception, they are using Our own foibles and squabbles against us, and to very great success. They also like to keep us on edge by using fear, like with the current Ebola and ISIS psyops.
Forget about the distraction of political talking points: right to life, gay marriage, what have you; think about how despite your political agendas or affiliations you are being manipulated to allow Our Nation to be transformed into something it was never meant to be.
GW Bush betrayed his country by implementing the Patriot Act. Obama’s betrayals and treasonous offenses against the Constitution are too numerous to list here.
Judges are also complicit in the progress of the New World Order. After all, they were all appointed by these same adepts, I have just listed who are controlled by the forces wishing to bring about one world Government and the New World Order.
The writing is on the wall. One must simply open their eyes and their minds to see the truth.
Obama is not the answer. Bush wasn’t either. Neither is the next puppet that ascends to the throne of icon celebrity in chief.
How many more puppet Presidents have to deceive us before you realize the truth?
You see, as FDR rightly noted: “presidents are selected, not elected.” So your vote doesn’t count anymore. This is how far we have strayed as a nation.
We must hold these puppet’s feet to the fire and demand a restoration of Our Republic and charge all of these domestic terrorists we call bureaucrats with treason. Barring civil war, there is no other way to restore Our Republic.
There is but one answer to America’s ever growing problems. The solution is the Constitution.
Are you awake yet?
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