January 30, 2025


This presentation is a digitized reading of Andrew Carrington Hitchcock’s 2006 book of the same name. PLEASE WATCH AND SHARE!
Link to the full book: http://www.conspirazzi.com/e-books/hi…


By Howard Nema

My friends, my father was a Jew.  I am 1/2 Jewish. First and foremost I must tell you I am not a self-hating Jew.  These false Jews are purely evil.  They are Machiavellian liars and manipulators who use these kind of tactics in an attempt to deceptively explain why a Jew would expose another Jew.

Exposing the synagogue of Satan is no different than when a good cop exposes a bad, corrupt cop breaking the blue code of silence.    In fact, they both belong to a brotherhood.   And they both live by a similar code.

In the case of the Zionists, belong to the Brotherhood of Death, a secret society aligned with Skull and Bones, the Thule Society, the Order of the Quest and many others.

I wish to make this very clear.  I truly love my fellow Jews with all my heart and desperately want them not only to learn, but accept the truth about the false Jew Zionists of the synagogue of Satan, who have deceived the world to believe their lies through their control of mass media and public opinion via unlimited resources created by their FIAT central banking scheme.

My research has proven that there is indeed a world conspiracy to control the world by the many Masonic secret societies.  Many are Jews, but there are also members of every other faith, nationality, race and creed involved.   Involved in this conspiracy are Jews, Christians, Muslims– all religions who outwardly profess and appear to worship their religions, but in truth serve Satan and worship the Luciferian Mystery Religions of Babylon and Egypt.

What is most important to understand is that Israel was created totally under false pretenses.   It was not created to give a homeland to the Jews, but to set up the foundations of the one world government of the New World Order.   Please review the following article from Look Magazine in 1962:


The Rothschilds, who are Jews in name only have been the guiding force behind this conspiracy since the 1890’s.   In fact they funded Hitler and the final solution.   Their Machiavellian deception has duped the world to believe that Jews are oppressed while the State of Israel oppresses the Goyim (non Jews) both physically and economically across the world.

Israel is a fabrication created to manipulate public opinion.  Bush passed “laws” against anti-semitism and edicts against outing the perpetrators of this conspiracy, criminalizing exposing the truth. But it is not just the false Jews behind this Masonic conspiracy.   There are many Orders of secret societies working for the same goal.

True Jews who are aware of this deception protest against Zionism and the New World Order.  Rabbis and scholars among them, but their voices are quelled because the false Jews, the Zionist Luciferians and the sell out Goyim who serve them are of many other faiths, like the Vatican for example.  These traitors of humanity are indeed pulling the wool over Our eyes.  They are wolves in Sheep’s clothing.  They control what we see and hear in the media, public opinion– even Our thoughts.

Make no mistake about it.   Below is another reference source:


I know this video presentation will disturb all who view it, as it did me.   But for different reasons.  You see, I understand the Hegelian deception for what it is.  Not only faithful, God fearing Jews, but all of humanity will find this all very hard to believe, but the evidence is overwhelming.   And it is indeed true. The world is not what we see on TV and read in newspapers.  Not even close.

The way racism is used in to control the black community with charlatans like Al Sharpton and Obama is the same device used when dealing with the false Jews of Israel.  One must objectively drink in this truth and divorce yourself from your preconceived ideas and belief systems and understand the truth.  This presentation leaves no doubt, possibly only denial.  And denial is not a river in Egypt, folks.  This is the truth.

At times when you hear all of the leaders and politicians called Jews in this presentation, you must understand that the reverence is to the false Jews.  Indeed, they are the false Jews of the New Testament.  The synagogue of Satan.

I ask you to open your eyes, your minds and your hearts to understand this grand deception.  There are many parallels to America and the rising tide of tyranny of the NDAA and the Patriot Act that mirror Israeli law.  This is not a coincidence.  Nor is it a coincidence that the U.S. Secret Government and the Mossad are so closely linked.

Yes there was indeed a Holocaust.  Yes many Jews perished.  Whether or not it was 6 million or 600,000 makes no difference.  The Rothschild false Jews were behind this deception.

The Balfour Declaration of 1917 discussed creating a land for the nomadic Jews, but the declaration was rescinded just as the Rothschild’s and Rockefellers began to fun the rise of Hitler.  Ask yourself, why?  Then study Hegel’s dialect.   Create problem, control the reaction and offer the solution.

In Hitler’s case, it was the final solution.  Another case in point is the actual word NAZI.  ZI-ONISM NAZISM are closely related.

Certainly the current Israeli occupation of Palestine and the oppression of the Palestinians closely resembles the Nazi oppression against the Jews, does it not?  This can not be disputed.   Nor can the fact that Israeli laws prohibit many of the same things prohibited in Nazi Germany regarding commingling of Israelis and Palestinians and Palestinians rights vs. Israelis rights.

The Rothschilds and their minions, the Rockefellers and other Illuminati families at the highest levels of the secret societies are all working in concert to deceive the world to believe lies and pass laws here in America to shield them from the truth, like making anti-semitism a crime as it specifically relates to banking, world domination and a New World Order as all of these things continue to occur.   These criminals have legalized slavery.

Why isn’t there any similar laws against other forms of racism?   Why so specific?

These are questions you should ask yourself when wondering why totalitarian socialism is on the rise here in America.

You see, these false Jews and other adepts of the secret societies are indeed working to create a one world totalitarian socialist government and treat us all as the Palestinians are now being treated by Israel. The writing is on the wall.

Whether you understand this, are angered by this, you have been deceived by mind controlled and decades of propaganda leading you to believe the Palestinians are the terrorists when they are simply fighting to regain their own land and sovereignty.

Consider this:  Moshe Dayan, a general and former Prime Minister of Israel admittedly created middle east terrorism by blaming others.  Once again, the Hegelian dialectic comes into play.  Here is an example:

Israel attacked the U.S. Liberty in 1967 as a pretext to get America involved in their war with Egypt.

Dayan also noted that Israel was not only behind this terrorism, but that they WOULD BE BEHIND all global terrorism.   I know this is hard to comprehend, but it is indeed true.  So any current backlash from the Palestinians is in reaction to aggression from Israel since 1948.   Israel was also behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks.   The evidence is overwhelming, but is suppressed and a taboo that is ignored by the controlled mainstream media.

You see, the media is controlled by Zionist forces. When you watch this video you must replace the word Jews, with Zionists, or more accurately, the Illuminati.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is not a fabrication.  Only a true fool would dismiss the parallels to history that has occurred since the book first publicly surfaced in 1907.

It is clear, that these forces are indeed working the plan from this book.  You see, they indeed believe us to be dumb cattle, sheep, who must be mastered, culled and controlled.

They think we are (in some cases rightfully so) dumb animals, sheep, who do not use our intellect and like animals who do not have intellect, since we do not use our intellect we are therefore steaks on the table by choice and consent.

Many non-Jews are involved in this plot for world domination, but they too are not who they profess to be, Christians, Muslims, Buddists– all religions are represented by these deceivers.  They are all of the Synagogue of Satan.  Their God is Lucifer, the light bearer.

They worship the Mystery Religion of Babylon and Egypt and sacrifice to gods like Baal and Molech. They are purely evil.    Remember my friends, they are NOT JEWS.




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