March 31, 2025


by HN

Newsflash: They were also behind the 9/11;01 terror attacks. Facts are stubborn things.

The unredacted JFK assassination files prove what many have suspected. The Israeli Mossad and the Deep State CIA were behind the assassination of JFK. The files confirm what many suspected. Israeli intelligence had a secret backchannel into U.S. operations, with James Angleton acting as the gatekeeper. This backchannel confirms Israel motivated factions inside the U.S. to take JFK out.

GHW Bush and the Skull and Bones Brotherhood of death needed to continue all the wars that we have seen since 11-22-63 in their Satanic quest to create the Round Table Group’s one world government.

Remember during the Covid scamdemic Netanyahu said he would use the Israeli people as guinea pigs. Literally said that on TV — for anything– ANYTHING Bill Gates wants to shoot into their veins. These people are pure evil!

President Kennedy said no to Vietnam. Kennedy wanted AIPAC to be listed as a foreign agent and he wanted to end the federal reserve crime syndicate. Kennedy was in the process of exposing the deep state when we was killed.

The corrupt, treasonous deep state politicians use AIPAC and USAid and other NGO’s to fleece the American people and fund terrorism and foreign entities. These are facts!

This is why Kennedy was killed. He absolutely intended to expose the deep state– and did so in a couple of speeches, but before he could really make things happen, they killed him.

Interestingly enough, most of us deep researchers knew all of this. I certainly did. The release of these documents open a huge can of worms regarding Israel and the deep state.

Israel has used the United States as muscle ever since 11–22-63 and still does. In 1967 Israel used planes with Egyptian flags to attack the US Liberty (A FALSE FLAG) to goad the U.S. into war with Egypt!


Don’t expect FOX NEWS or any legacy media operation to report on Israel’s involvement in the JFK Assassination. This fact will be quashed.

This ofcourse also leads us to the EPSTEIN-MOSSAD connection, on how they blackmail politicians and celebrities to do the MOSSAD’s bidding. Again, the Mossad connection is still being protected. Time will tell if the truth about Israel will be revealed. They are not our ally, but rather a carefully Hegelian crafted enemy who uses the power of American to achieve its own geo-political and economic aims.

What about the Mossad agents caught with bombs in a van on the George Washington Bridge approach on 9/11? What were they up to?

The story vanished down the memory hole. See below:

Do you remember the five dancing Israelis, who were sent by the mossad to document the 9/11 attacks?

The Five “Dancing Israelis” on 9/11 – YouTube

They even went on Israeli television to report it!

Most troubling is the fact that many of our representatives in congress have dual citizenship with Israel– which is a massive conflict of interest.

NEVER FORGET the motto of the mossad is “by way of deception we make war”.

And that is exactly what was done in Gaza on October 6th. The IDF stood down for more than 8 hours during the attack. Similarly, the CIA had our forces stand down on 9/11/01 for 90 minutes as the hijackers did their thing. Different deception. Same playbook.


As long as we align with this death cult there will be war and genocide. There is a massive Hegelian dialectical deception going on here. There are no coincidences.

See for yourself

Read your Bible.

Revelation 2:9

“I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.”