September 14, 2024

Once upon a time there was a band from Queens called ICE ANGEL . . . . And they were AWESOME! (UPDATED)

by Scott Andrysiak
Freelance Writer
Scott Andrysiak | LinkedIn


(Originally published 9/1/24 5:40 PM)

(UPDATED 9/7/24 5:45 PM EST by S.A. text & video added)

Howard Nemaizer

I recently spoke with guitarist and singer/songwriter Howard Nemaizer. Back in July, Howard queried me about potentially writing an article on the history of his former band from Queens, N.Y., ICE ANGEL.

Having recently written an article reviewing the July 1st release of the album PROVENANCE by AZURE SOUL (2008-2009), one of Howard’s other former bands, I was intrigued to hear more.

He sent over mp3’s of ICE ANGEL 1990 weeks before the songs were released. I agreed to write the article after listening to the first song, Cheatin’ Heart. As I listened to the other 3 songs, I noticed the band’s expert use of dynamics. ICE ANGEL was tight and had a unique, polished sound. It was a sound that I liked and feel is still current.

The music of ICE ANGEL is big. Arena rock big. Theatrical. Loud and soft, heavy and progressive. As a musician and prog rock lover myself, I instantly became a fan.

I liken ICE ANGEL’s music to bands like Faith No More and King Crimson, as their music employs complicated time signatures and key changes. These nuances were certainly not in vogue in the Heavy Metal laden late 1980’s. Still, as Howard tells it, the Metal Head fans at Nobody’s, a popular (now closed) original music venue in Flushing, Queens didn’t care if ICE ANGEL was playing in 9/4, 7/4 or 4/4 time. When ICE ANGEL hit the stage they always packed the house. After listening to ICE ANGEL, I can see why.

ICE ANGEL (1988-1990) consisted of five members. Fronted by Maria Corbo, a powerful vocalist, Howard Nemaizer, a shredder on guitar, Keith “Emerson” Ratner, on keyboards, Russ “the bass is boss” Zweig on bass and the ever solid John Schwarz on drums.

ICE ANGEL on stage during the band’s final performance at the Queens Theatre. (November 21, 1990) Russ Zweig on bass (L) Maria Corbo on vocals (C) Howard Nemaizer guitar (R) John Schwarz on drums (above) Keith Ratner on Keyboards (off screen)


ICE ANGEL’s founders Maria Corbo and Howard Nemaizer were not only massive fans and greatly influenced by the music of Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac, they were also a couple and shared that same Lindsey/Stevie dynamic. And like Stevie Nicks, Maria Corbo is a prolific songwriter, who had notebooks full of lyrics when she began working with Howard. And like Nicks, Corbo exudes a mysterious persona.

ICE ANGEL’s story and Maria’s lyrics are not unlike fairy tales, complete with damsels in distress, vixens, villains, witches, angels and gypsies– even the devil.

Each of these archetypes are central themes of the songs from these late 80’s progressive rockers. The band’s short history also contains a bitter irony, centered around subjects that inevitably brought about the group’s demise: Love, loss, friendship and betrayal.

In their time together Corbo and Nemaizer collaborated on dozens of songs. Four of these tunes appear on the ICE ANGEL 1990 EP.

The band’s music is enigmatic, dynamic and fierce. There is a lot going on to listen to.

Most of ICE ANGEL’s songs were written by Maria and Howard. “RUNNING, and “VALIUM GIRL” (These songs appear on ICE ANGEL 1990 and ICE ANGEL 1988 LIVE, respectively) were composed by Maria, Keith Ratner and Howard.

Keith Ratner also co-penned a short instrumental with Howard called, OYSTER SHUFFLE that currently languishes on a 2 inch tape reel in Nemaizer’s home studio awaiting digitization.

Howard sent me the masters of the restored live recordings as soon each song was completed. I honestly didn’t expect the quality to be good as it is. The first song I listened to was TREASURE CHEST. It sounded great. Despite tolerable quality limitations, it sounded better than I, or anyone would expect considering the source of the recording was a 36 year old cassette tape recorded on a boom box. But the quality is remarkable.

The only song where the vocals are totally indistinguishable, but the music is awesome, is “VALIUM GIRL,” which is a shame, since the song is a loud, driving, extremely heavy two minute ride– if you like that kind of stuff.

In the final analysis, the live recordings have good clarity and powerful low end. The room mix is such that you can clearly hear all the instrumentation when listening.


The band’s genesis began in February, 1988 when Howard Nemaizer brought in friend and fellow musician keyboardist Keith Ratner to play piano and synth on four demo songs he and Maria were producing at Rockin’ Reel Studio in East Northport, Long Island.

Singer Maria Corbo (L) Guitarist Howard Nemaizer (C) Keyboardist Keith Ratner (R)

This began a long collaboration between Howard and Keith orchestrating intricate parts together for ICE ANGEL and writing full solos as you will hear.

2 inch reels of songs by ICE ANGEL and MIDNIGHT SUN
Bassist Kevin Toye (R) (MIDNIGHT SUN)

After recording the four demos at Rockin’ Reel Studio, the trio decided to form a band. Keith tapped his friend, bassist Kevin Toye and Howard recruited former DARK AGES drummer Rob Cohen.

Sketch by Keith Ratner

Together they formed MIDNIGHT SUN, named after one of Maria Corbo’s songs.

The band rehearsed in a $400 month rehearsal space on the 4th floor of the Music Building in Jamaica, Queens at the same time Metallica rehearsed songs for the “Kill ’em All” album on the 6th Floor.

MIDNIGHT SUN rehearsal room at the MUSIC BUILDING in Jamaica, Queens (4th floor) 1988

Several months later, Toye and Cohen left the band to pursue less progressive and more commercial musical interests, so the others sought out new players.

ICE ANGEL Road Manager Craig Keller

While getting an oil change, Howard Nemaizer met Craig Keller, who introduced him to a powerful rhythm section who had a long history of playing music together, drummer John Schwarz and bassist Russ Zweig.

Russ Zweig
John Schwarz

Both musicians recently left “Smokin’,” a Van Halen tribute band and were looking to join an original band. Keller set up the first rehearsal.

“Everything clicked from the very first note. Like what was said about Zeppelin the first time they all played together. It was magical,” Howard noted.

They called themselves, “Shadow,” until finally settling on ICE ANGEL, a name lifted from one of Corbo and Nemaizer’s songs. The song ICE ANGEL appears on the 10 song ICE ANGEL1988 LIVE album.

ICE ANGEL 1988 LIVE available on all music streaming platforms

ICE ANGEL were seasoned and talented musicians, who ignited a powerful, energetic chemistry and forged a unique and identifiable sound. This is something Howard Nemaizer says he is most proud of.

“Nobody sounded like us,” Howard told me. “A lot of bands tried to sound like other bands. We never wanted to be derivative. Sure there were influences. Many. Rush, Zep, Sabbath– Fleetwood Mac– but we wanted to be original. What we did was timeless and I believe truly unique. I think that was the appeal. And I think it still is. The music speaks for itself.”

Indeed. And it appears many people still remember ICE ANGEL.

Stats as of 9/7/24
Stats as of 9/7/24
ICE ANGEL article by Scott Andrysiak garners more than 3K hits as of 9/7/24

ICE ANGEL certainly made a lasting impression after their first performance. According to Howard, their first show at Nobody’s in Flushing, Queens on Wednesday, September 27, 1988 was nothing less than stellar.

It was pure grace under pressure, Scott,” Howard recalled. “I remember as we were doing the set how fucking awesome we sounded. I looked over at Maria and she smiled back as I ripped a perfect– I mean, perfect–amazing solo that I could never replicate song after song after song. We were fuckin’ on. Anyone who was at Nobody’s that night came back to see us again and again. I mean, we were good performers, Scott–good musicians, but never as good as we were that first show. Uh-uh. It was magic.

That night at 9pm ICE ANGEL pulled a Van Halen and blew away the headliner, making an incredible first impression.

Howard’s friend, Garth, bassist from the heavy metal band DARK AGES came down that night to see the show. After RAGGED EDGE completed their set, Garth sauntered over to Howard and Maria who were at the bar and congratulated them.

“So guys, how does it feel to have blown everyone away tonight?” Smiles were abound.

Ice Angel was born.

Nobody’s, Flushing Queens

After that first show ICE ANGEL became popular regulars, packing the house at Nobody’s every time, until the bar finally closed its doors in 1990, only weeks before the demise of the band.

Sadly, ICE ANGEL suffered from FMS, Fleetwood Mac Syndrome. Maria and Howard were dating since December, 1987.

In the spring of 1990, Maria left Howard for keyboardist Keith Ratner, which caused a bit of friction in the band, even for other members.

“Not going to give any details,” Howard recalled to me. “All I will say is that in the end, Karma is a bitch. I took Maria away from another and Keith took her away from me.”

The band stayed together for the music, continuing to rehearse and play shows until their final performance on November 21, 1990 at the Queens Theatre in Queens Village, N.Y.

(HN side note: The Queens Theatre was one of those grand old Vaudeville houses in Queens Village, NY. In February, 1990 the theatre became a concert venue. SIR provided a top of the line 50K watt sound system. When ICE ANGEL played the Queens Theatre on November 21st, 1990 it was like playing at the Garden. I played through 4 half cranked Marshall double stacks lined up next to one another. It was a awesome. But after the show all that expensive equipment, atleast $100,000 worth was stolen. Talk about an inside job. I accidently left a rented wireless guitar rig at the theatre that night and came back early the next day to get it. A dressed down mafia type guy was literally counting cash in hand when I walked in to the office. I told him I left a wireless rig backstage. Without even looking at me– and still counting cash, the guy calmly told me I could look around but all the equipment was stolen overnight. Needless to say, the wireless was gone. Total inside job. Gambinos, I’m guessing. It was their turf at the time. Despite top acts appearing such as Kool & the Gang, Frankie Vali & The Four Seasons, Jerry Lee Lewis, The Marshal Tucker Band & Waylon Jennings, the Queens Theatre closed soon after that November 21st show. Maybe mafia kickbacks had something to do with it.)

Around this time Paul Prescod, a friend of the band and a local musician who knew Vernon Reid turned some of the music insiders that signed LIVING COLOUR on to ICE ANGEL. They saw the band’s potential and had serious interest in signing ICE ANGEL to a record deal — if they had a male singer. Big if.

Nemaizer, Schwarz and Zweig decided to take the insiders advice and replace Maria. When she was told she was out of the band, Keith Ratner immediately quit. ICE ANGEL was no more. It was New Year’s Eve 1990.

And in the end, it was all for naught.

Bassist Russ Zweig held a New Year’s Eve party that night celebrating a future that would never come. The LIVIN’ COLOUR insiders were blowing smoke. They never came through and the band was never signed.

Until the release of ICE ANGEL 1990 and ICE ANGEL 1988 LIVE, all that remained of the band’s history were the memories of the players and those who saw them perform live.

Having listened to ICE ANGEL LIVE 1988, I wish I was one of them. They really kick ass!

ICE ANGEL 1988 LIVE available on all music streaming services

The four song EP, ICE ANGEL 1990 out now was studio recorded from 1988-89 at Rockin’ Reel Studio in East Northport, NY. The songs were produced and engineered by Bob Lessick.

The 10 songs on the ICE ANGEL LIVE 1988 album were recorded on a Panasonic boombox in Maria Corbo’s basement on March 20, 1988.

ICE ANGEL 1988 LIVE was digitally restored and mastered by Sam Cesnak at Darkwood Studio, in Torrington, CT.

In 2007, the former members of ICE ANGEL, who all live in separate States, remotely got together and attempted to record a new song INTERSECTION. Plans were made to complete tracks that were recorded at Rockin’ Reel Studio for posterity, but the project was ultimately abandoned.

Howard Nemaizer informs me that he intends to digitize the remaining 2 inch master recordings in the future, and complete any songs that are unfinished while searching for any remaining recordings that may still exist. He mentioned he was still in contact with bassist Russ Zweig and road managers Craig Keller and Danny Davis, but sadly the rest of the band members are estranged from him.

In a 24 minute facebook video posted on August 21st, that greatly helped me in composing this article, Howard Nemaizer details the history of ICE ANGEL and the efforts taken to restore the audio for ICE ANGEL 1988 LIVE. In the video, he mentions his love for all the members of ICE ANGEL and wishes them well.

Below is a LIVE promo of “Witch”


WITCH recorded LIVE 3/20/1988


(words and music by Maria Corbo & Howard Nemaizer)

Some people get you wrapped around their finger
Others can get you under their thumb
After taking you over body and soul
You’re looking at the only one

The witching hour has cast a spell over you
Just close your eyes and be haunted
There’s nothing you can do
Oh what a tangled web she weaves

There’s so much more than you can conceive
Everything she tell you you’ll believe’
Your heart beat can be deceievd
One moment she’s there the next she leaves

An intoxicating brew of blue eyes and black lace
It’ll be a night to remember
Better keep that smile frozen on your face
She’ll leave you colder than December

Just like Cinderella from a fairy tale
Her evil you’d expect from her release
Once she locked you in her fiery jail
You’ll find the beauty is the beast

Oh what a tangled web she weaves
There’s so much more than you can conceive
Everything she tell you you’ll believe’
Your heart beat can be deceievd
One moment she’s there the next she leaves

When there’s a full moon you can hear her scream
Out of the deoths as far as she run
Hiding herself like a bad dream
Aware of what she has become

Well you’ve been warned but you can’t get away
You know she’ll send you straight to hell
Your mind says no but your heat intends
And now your captured by the spell

© 1988 by Howard Nemaizer and Maria Corbo
© ℗ 2024 Prophet Motive Publishing BMI

For now, this is all we have from ICE ANGEL, so relish it! If you are a fan of progressive rock, check out ICE ANGEL! I have added them to my playlists and after hearing them, it is likely you will do the same. S.A.

Freelance Writer

Keith Ratner – Keyboards


ICE ANGEL final show at the Queens Theatre November 21, 1990
ICE ANGEL rehearsal space in Maria Corbo’s basement (1988)
ICE ANGEL fooling around (1989)
Russ Zweig ICE ANGEL rehearsal in Maria Corbo’s basement 1989
Russ Zweig slappin’ da’ bass in Maria Corbo’s basement (1989)
Howard Nemaizer doing his thing in Maria Corbo’s basement (1989)
Drummer John Schwarz gets a hand from road manager Danny Davis during the recording of ICE ANGEL 1988 LIVE (3/20/1988)
Keith Ratner on two keyboards at once (1988)
Russ Zweig (L) and Howard Nemaizer (R) 3/20/1988 Photo taken during the recording of ICE ANGEL 1988 LIVE


Russ Zweig New Year’s Eve 1990
Road managers Danny Davis (L) and Craig Keller (R) New Year’s Eve 1990
Howard Nemaizer (L) Craig Keller (C) friend Cheryl Kaplan (R)
New Year’s Eve 1990
Howard Nemaizer with girlfriend and future wife Maureen Mattes
New Year’s Eve 1990
Howard Nemaizer (L) Marc Gerson (C) Russ Zweig (R) New Year’s Eve 1990



MAGIC BUDDHA debut EP DREAMS OF YESTERDAY’S LIFE available NOW on all music streaming platforms