September 27, 2024

BLIND TO THE WORLD truth concept album exposes global elite’s nefarious intentions

Indigo was the girl of his dreams. She tried to awaken him to the dangers facing humanity. She tried to warn him of what was coming. He didn’t listen, or care. . . Until they took her away.

Blind to the World musically tells the story of awakening to the New World Order and exposing the evil CFR/UN/WEF global elite puppet masters, in their own words, from their own mouths. They are the ones who create Hegelian crisis and control the reactions of the public by pulling the strings of their political puppets in their ongoing neo-feudal agenda against humanity.

It is a war designed to deindustrialize the planet and cull 95% of the population and create a transhumanist society ruled the elite, and managed by a one world totalitarian socialist government, where all aspects of human life are under strict control. Where freedom and private property are replaced by slavery and genocide.

While BLIND TO THE WORLD is fiction, it is also a warning of things to come. I wish this aspect of the story was fiction, but it is not. While the characters in BLIND TO THE WORLD were created to tell the story, the elite accurately tell us, in their own words, what they have in store for humanity if we continue to comply with thier deceptive and deadly collectivist agenda.

Death to the New World Order!


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